It's just a question of ambition
I was reading the blog of my favourite 8TV host Belinda Chee. Yeap, she's quite an active blogger on xanga. You guys should drop by and read her blog. It's all about the life of a 8TV Quickie making her way to fame. I guess she is taking the same path such as established icons such as Marion Quickie show is sort of like a launch pad for the budding tv hosts. Watch out for her!
Anyway, back to my reason of why I am writing this blog today. Anyway, there's one particular blog from her site about childhood ambitions. So, this is my childhood ambition x-file! I tell you, I haven't been asked this question for a long long time. People tend to stop asking these kind of questions once you're in college! That's how long it is for me.
Ok..the first time when I wanted to be something or someone for as long as I can remember was at age 6 in Primary 1. Before that, I guess I was just one kid without any worries who just thought about cartoons and playing. Just to notice right here...nowadays people refer your first year in school as standard one isn't it? "Primary One"..that's like dinosaur language..hehe. I wonder which is the correct one? I should think both terms are correct. Enlighten me anyone?

I had a buddy and we would keep talking about spiderman everyday at school and make up stories as well. We even suspect our teachers to be villans of Spiderman in disguise! I guess maybe I'm not the most ambitious kid at the time, well at least I wanted to be the good guy.

Now this is more like a ambition, not exactly but something to do with fighting crime. So the next best thing on the list would be a policeman. I was stuck with the ambition for a couple of years. You know when you're at school, the class teacher would make us select 3 occupation of what we would like to be when we grow up. The first choice was always policeman for me while the second was...

It wasn't because I enjoyed eating or anything, I just like to eat it was more of a baker chef because I so love to eat the chicken pie at one of the hotels in Labuan. It is the best chicken pie that I have ever had till this day of time. I can still taste it if I imagine hard enough.

Then, there was the sports age when I wanted to be a swimmer following my mother's chinese tv serial about being a
This actually started me asking my parents to bring me to learn swimming, which I am thankful for this ability. The sport ambitions went on...
I wanted to be like Gary Lineker...the England Striker.

After all the failed attempts to be good at sports, I finally turned to my books and wanted to be in the hotel management industry as I enjoyed looking at all the magnificent 5 star hotels and just the environment of it makes me feel really cozy.
Then came the technology era...everyone wanted to be in the IT world. And I ended up studying engineering but pursued a IT customer service career.
And after 8 years in the industry, I finally decided to call it a day and switched to the automotive industry. It is no doubt that the automotive industry is having a I am currently riding the waves as we speak. Hopefully by then I will have enjoyed my current job or move on for something much better.
A stressed football wanna be guy in Lang Tengah.
Tell me, how many people get to do the jobs that they really like? Probably 10% of the people who read this blog would say they do. Let me ask you a you like what you are doing now?