Just another day without you
Hi all, can't believe how time flies when you're just drowned with work. Can someone actually tell me that they are not drowned with work everyday at the office? Please raise your hands.
Just checking and finally finding out that 1 month has passed since I wrote my last blog. Let's see what I have done over the past month...to tell you the truth, absolutely nothing except working, working and working. I think I have finally fallen into the catergory of Workaholic!

I can't help myself anymore, I think I am losing my mind...it's a tough world out there but I didn't expect it to be this tough. All I can do now is do my best..stay as long as I can and work towards a goal. I find that the only thing that keeps me going to work each day is because of my colleague...yes..the one that's married and having a baby. Well, she's the inspiration no doubt...something I can look forward to each day. I feel like I am in peace whenever I hear her voice or meet her.

Despite all that, she is nothing more than a person that I would cherish very much in my life because she is the source of my strength to carry on. I hope nobody is going to think that I am having a crush on her! No! No! No! As much as I would like to, I think I have the rationality to keep myself in line. The only thing I would say is that boy, wouldn't it be great if I get to be with someone like her?
The truth is...I just like being around her. Is that a crime? So she's married but she's allowed to make really good friends right? Somehow I just feel really really good when she's around even if I am having a bad day. I would like to really know a girl that can make me feel that way. I sometimes jokingly ask if she has a twin sister...;p

Yeah, live the dream they say. Just the other day I was flipping through the newspaper and saw the latest Transformers movie...quite disappointed with the design of the robots really...they totally do not look like the robots that we know so well. They've just changed everything....which now makes me not really looking forward to watch it. I'll let the crowd subside before I take the time to go and watch it.
Ever wander down to Pudu Bus station to fetch someone or take a bus. You see a lot of nationalities there, some are local, some are foreign. But you know what people stands out the most? Chinese from China!
Yes...there are just lots of them walking around the street. And they are not giving a good impression to anyone. Tell me, what comes to your mind when you think about someone from China?
a) A person who is going to give you a good time
b) A person who is going to cheat you in some way
c) A person who is going to sell you something cheap and unreliable
d) A person who is going to ask you for help
Well, when I was in Pudu waiting for someone, I got (d). She knocked on my car window several times. I wind it down and she starts speaking in shanghai chinese accent in mandarin. She somehow explains that she is stranded her as she has lost her way in locating her friends. She would like to ask me for money but not in any way connected to giving any whatsoever service in return. She just ask for my charitable to give her some money for food. She ask for my telephone no. so that she could pay me back in the future or even if I happen to be in Shanghai then she would repay me! (Where do you get this guy???)
Anyway, I sheepishly forked out a few ringgit and gave it to her. Well obviously it was not enough for her as she ask if I could give RM20 specifically. (Well, isn't that a sign that she's starting to cheat someone?) Obviously I did what I learnt from Italian footballers when they commit a foul on someone and denies it. I shrugged my shoulders and said I don't have anymore. Well, she kept persistently asking for more to help her get a decent meal. I told her a few ringgit will get her quite decent meal.
After that she just left. As I stare at the my side mirror..I see her walking confusely and just trying to knock at another person's car window. Sorry to say I have always had a bad impression about people from China. It is so sad that it has resorted to this level. You see people circulating email about how to detect fake items from China..etc. And the people who visit China and almost got conned by the people there.
And when there's a china girl walking all alone wearing slightly sexier clothes, people will think that they're doing " street business". It is just so sad that they give such an impression to me and probably a whole lot of people. The truth is they really do all those things just for the sake of money. They cheat to earn money...and sorry to say that majority of them do it till the extent that the truly nice people of China are overshadowed by all these bad apples.
Anyone else have similar experiences with a chinese bad apple?

Anyone watch that reality show on tv? "The Firm", I think it was called. It was aired on sunday on 8TV or was it NTV7? Anyway, it is a very interesting show. It's sort of like the apprentice malaysian style. Feel free to watch it, it's quite entertaining but somehow the people involed in the show looks really familiar...they look as if they've appeared on tv commercials before or dramas....I do wonder if all those people are just acting or just really doing part time modelling for tv ads or something. Anyway, they do tackle real life business plans. For example on the first episode, they had to organize a campaign for Fitness First Malaysia to draw in as many walk-in customers as possible.
Well, it's the start of the new month again. I hope everyone spends their hard earned money wisely. In the mean time, take care and may peace be with you.
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