What are dreams made of?

Yesterday, I woke up from my short nap with a nightmare. Wait a minute, if it is not at night, should we call it noonmare or napmare? hahah! Anyway, it was something very unpleasant that I feel that I had to write and not just keep it inside. Telling someone about your dreams may not always be the right thing to do, because sometimes a dream just doesn't make sense.
From what I gather from a dictionary, a dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. It occurs in humans, most mammals, and some birds. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer. The exception is lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their oneiric reality and controlling various aspects of the dream, in which the suspension of disbelief is often broken.Dreamers may experience strong emotions while dreaming. Frightening or upsetting dreams are referred to as nightmares.
Okay, I know I had a bad dream aka nightmare. Let me share it with you. For the past 6 months, I have gotten to know a girl who works in the company as I am. We contact mostly through the phone as she is based in HQ and myself based in a branch. Our work are related, without her I can't finish my part and without me, she cannot finish her part. Anyway, the friendship started very nicely. She has a very sweet voice indeed, being the "bachelor" here my mind always plays tricks with me. I would be thinking to myself "sounds like someone I would take out on a date"
Anyway, it was only after 3 months that we had spoken through the phone that we finally met up for the first time when I popped over to HQ for a meeting. You know sometimes reality strikes you when you least expected. She is practically visually perfect, not the perfect perfect but the kind of girl that I would want to have a date with or bring home to your parents or introduce to your friends kind of perfect I guess.
As most people know by now that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've always had a weakness for women with large eyes and she has all that. I admit I like a woman with slightly tanned skin as well, which she was indeed. Overall, she is one hot cupcake ;p
She dresses very well and is fashionable from head to toe..you couldn't find any more even in the way she combs her hair. Ok! Let me snap out of my dream! Hahah! But one really important thing that I REALLY have to tell you is that she's married! Yeap, disappointed? Somewhat..but I had seen past that stage already. Even if I didn't end up romantically with her, I find her as a friend that I would keep for the rest of my life.
She knows how to comfort me when I'm feeling down, she reads me like a book and we have lots of things in common, we even went to the same college, our interests are quite matched up and we can talk a lot, a lot! Then one day, she told me that she was pregnant and I was overjoyed for her.
As time passed by, our friendship grew stronger and once in a while she would come over to my branch for a visit and we'll have lunch together and talk about thing from work to life. Of course I always try to compliment her as most women would start to feel depressed when they get pregnant. I'm not sure but I think it would be because they would feel fat and disappointed when they can't fit in their clothes anymore and their body starts to change dramatically within months. I think what they want to hear is that you still look good no matter what, beautifully pregnant! I am sure most of you would agree there is such a thing as "beautifully pregnant". It may not be the right term but it is something like the term "aging gracefully"
With her, I feel that I cherish the friendship a lot. She makes feel like "wouldn't it be nice if I had someone like her?" That kind of feeling I guess and at the same time I feel that I treasure the friendship a lot and would not do silly things to jeopardize it in any way.
Ok..about my dream. She was wearing a wedding dress but she was pregnant! Anyway, as I can remember, her friend which was following her around was a Cheryl Samad lookalike. You guys know who is Cheryl? She's the spokeperson for watson. I am sure everyone has notice her before.
What was going on was that she wanted to take a picture with me, so we chose to sit on the stools of a bar and her friend took the photo for us. She gave me a hug and a kiss and left. I stood there for a moment and watch her walk away before decided to go to the washroom. Somehow, I went through a maze of stairs trying to find a washroom but then it ended more like trying to find my way out of the maze. Each time I opened the door, I would be right back at the bar where I took the photo. And each time, I would go back down the maze of stairs. This kept on for several times until this one time when I see my friend lying on the floor looking out the window. When I called out her name, she just looked at me and looked out the window. After that, I just went on with my maze and ended up back at the bar again.
The next time I step into the maze of stairs would finally make me tremble with terror. Lying on the floor is my friend..covered in some liquid all over the floor and she was unconcious, I somehow knew something had happened to her baby...I carried her up and rush through the door shouting "help! Please help her! somebody please help her!" as I look at her helplessly and I woke up sweating and my heartbeat pounding loudly through my chest.
It was the worst dream that I ever had about a friend. It was just a dream but it seemed so real. I was feeling concerned and I started praying that she will always be safe with her family. These are the dreams that you shouldn't tell the person itself unless it is something pleasant. I guess sometimes our minds does play tricks on us. It puts all the things that we go through in life together and mashed it all up. I guess if you really analyzed the dream, a psychiatrist would tell you something.

My close friend (gossip partner) at my previous job once told me that she dreamnt about me telling her that I was going to quit my job on the day that I had submitted my resignation letter to my boss! And I was about to tell her when she told me her dream!!! Some dreams are very appreciative when you tell someone that you have dreamed about them because it is a sign that you are concerned about them. For me, we ended up spending our money buying 4D numbers of my car, my employee ID and my birthday. It was a nice try though ;p
Sometimes you have a dream and when it happens in reality, you would say deja vu. But this is one dream that I never want to see happening in my life.
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