When it is appropriate to save

Recently Tesco in Mutiara Damansara has implemented their parking ticketing system. They are starting to charge people taking advantage of the parking space which are actually designated for Tesco Customers. In fact, if you happen to shop at Tesco, you wouldn't have to pay for the parking because you can get your parking ticket zapped at the cashier or the information counter. Just show them the receipt that you have bought something from Tesco.
So now, most of the parking space are not taken up by the people who are intending to go to the Curve but wanted to save on parking ticket. They'd rather walk from Tesco to the Curve you see. Not only that, now they have started walking all the way from the Proton Showroom, Burger King, Petronas, McDonald's...congesting the whole road by parking at the sides of the road..flooding everywhere with cars..just because they didn't want to pay for parking. Typical Malaysian attitude? The surprising thing is that I've even seen one whole family..with children and old folks..crossing the road dangerously..for what? Just because they wanted to save on parking!

You wouldn't be surprise to see luxury cars parked at the roadsides as well. Now that's how the rich get even richer!...by saving on petty things! But the thing is it is not about whether you should save that RM1 or RM2 or not. It's about the safety on the road. I am sure parking at the roadside illegally can cause obstruction at certain angles while driving..narrow streets for cars and traffic of humans walking back and forth.
Come on everyone, I think we can do better than this..stop all this nonsense and keep the roads smooth and easy. As I was bitching about this problem in the car with my friend, I noticed the car in front of me had one of those cheeky signs..you know like those "baby on board" kind on signs....this one was the first I've seen. A home made sign using red marker pen and poorly cut square shape that says "Don't come too close to me or You'll kiss my car and pay for it"....????? That sounds something trying to be funny but it's not. Jeeezzzz..those signs can be bought for a couple of Ringgit...why make your own dull white cardboard thingy???? Better not put it up in that case!
I am not a rich guy myself but hey, I wouldn't these things either. I'd rather not do it at all or go to the mall if I can't afford to pay for a parking space! I hope guys don't make their girlfriends walk all the way from outside...unless of course if they don't mind..or if you just assume that they don't mind because in their head they might be saying another thing!
Saving is when you go to Tesco to shop or you only drink during happy hour time!
Recently, I've been disturbed with the thought of what to get for my friend who will be expecting her first born baby daughter? Any ideas fellas? I've come up with a few unique ones because I want it to be a gift that she'll remember. I realize that there are only limited stores selling baby stuff...which means there's still a lot of opportunity out there to make money from this line of business! Those with lots of capital might want to consider going into the baby business?

This is called the HALO Sleepsack..it's actually quite ingenious...gotten very good reviews from the website and also forums. I think this is something to consider. The price is quite reasonable USD 30+...we can't really get it in Malaysia but I am actually trying to get it from JC Penney Singapore website. Anyone ever used to buy online from JC Penney website? I hope it works and I hope I can get it on time. I think I'll throw in a couple more items just to make the gift look bigger...hehe.
Having said that, do measure how close you are with the father or the mother..don't give a gift that would cause uneasiness with the other party..for example a breast pump! Never ever get that kind of gift! It is way too personal!

I'm down with the flu, cough and fever since last week. I think I picked it up while I was tanning in Pulau Lang Tengah...oh yeah...I had a getawat trip from the city life early in the month. Will try to upload the pics and elaborate on the trip next blog. So guys, stay strong...drink lots and lots of water..eat a balanced meal and you'll be alright I guess...and stay indoors more often! Till the next blog..Adios!
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